TOF is a Dutch equivalent of COOL in english. And it comes from the Hebrew word Tov which means good.
And we believe in it.
Believe in who or what you may ask? Well, we believe in a God who loves us.
We are a church or rather a group of people who know that they are saved through Jesus Christ.
But do you know that this God also loves you very much?
Despite your past maybe?
A God who wants to be a Father to you and wants to be part of your life every day?
You may not believe that, but it is true. And that is exactly what we would like to explain to you.
That's why we invite you: Come visit us, our door is open and there is no threshold. You come as you are, without embellisment, really as you are. That's what we are too.
We believe that everyone is valuable. And we also want to make a practical difference in this society. That is why we are a “hands-on” church.
This means that we try to be there for the people around us. Very small maybe but practical for those who need it.
Do you want to know more? Come by or send a message. We'd love to talk to you and get to know you.

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