TOF's mission is to reach people. To see, encourage and help them. And we want to make it very practical. Guided by the Spirit of God, we want to visit people with a package of supplies. The package may contain groceries or other practical items to meet daily necessities.

We want to let the people know that God sees them. That He has not forgotten them and that He knows exactly what they need.

The name TOF was chosen for a reason. TOF is the character of God. TOF means good and God used this word when He created the world.

God intented there to be a nice eart, a nice place where people could live and enjoy all the beauty He created.

Being cool is an attribute of God. Because God is good. And we want to show this cool character of God to as many people as possible.

Being  great means that we strive for love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, helpfulness and self-control.

Beacause what would your society, your village, your neighbourhood or your family look like if we were all great?

So we have a mission, and that is you. That's really TOF!

Do you want to join us?
